How do I love thee….let me count the ways!

A few weeks ago I shared the cutest card idea with two of my best locker room buddies – Sue and Robin!  I hope they are busy making their cards this week!  If you are looking for a fun and fast idea to show the one you love all the ways you love them….try this idea!

You’ll need

  • 10 envelopes – any color and size -(I used all the same size but it won’t make any difference)
  • hole punch
  • ribbon
  • stickers/stamps/cutouts – something to decorate the envelopes
  • 10 pictures the represent why you love this person
  • Optional – 10 pieces of paper to mount the pictures on (construction papers, cardstock, index cards!)

Take your 10 envelopes and line them up so that all the openings are on one side…..hole punch the other side (top and bottom) and tie the envelopes together – loosely – so there is room to turn the envelop pockets you’ve just created!  I turned the front envelope around so the pocket isn’t on the outside front of the card.

Cut your photos down to the size you need to fit into your envelope pockets making them slightly smaller if you want to mount them on paper.

Write on the back of each picture one reason you love the person you’re making the card for.  If you need help with some ideas – google “top ten reasons I love you” and you’ll see a ton of ideas!  One I got from this google search was “I love you because you eat all the food I can’t finish!”  How cute is that?  And true!

Put one photo with saying inside each envelope ~ decorate each envelope pocket.  Surprise your loved one on Valentine’s Day or any other day!

Have fun ~ Candi

