Marigolds as Insect Repellent

Today I learned from my locker room/gym buddie, Candi, who has been helping me with gardening tips, that Marigolds make a good insect repellent.  Just snap off one of the heads and rub it on your skin.  I tried it and it works.  You just have to apply often, but it’s better than applying poison, and it’s a good way to put those dead heads to use.


Easter Lily

My “Easter Lily” bloomed again!
All you professional gardeners must be dying to let me know that this is not an Easter Lily. In the locker room this morning (making this official locker room news),  I was very nicely told  that Easter Lilies are white.
OK ok. This is the lily that I got for Easter. So it is MY Easter Lily!


Audubon’s Great Backyard Bird Count

“Robin in Snow”

Through chit chat in the locker room this morning (thank you Pam and Susan), I became aware of this birding event that any bird lover can participate in!  I love birds! There’s something soothing and relaxing about watching them zoom in and out at the feeders. They all just seem to get along, taking turns and being nice to each other! Continue reading “Audubon’s Great Backyard Bird Count”
